Etsy.com is an online marketplace much like eBay.com. Etsy’s product offerings are usually vntage items or handmade items created by the sellers themselves. If you sell on Etsy.com, then you may be aware of the Etsy Seller Handbook. The handbook, which is really a mini-site found on Etsy.com, covers lots of information to help the Etsy seller be more successful. To help make the handbook more relevant to the Etsy seller, Etsy’s Seller Education team has decided to go to the source for help!
Etsy sellers are being invited to provide any advice or tips they have learned to the Seller Education team. Thos e tips will be added to the online handbook. The team had noticed that many sellers were sharing lots of great information through forums and other seller communities and thought it would be a great idea to get some of those tips on the site.
If you are an Etsy seller and have something to share for the handbook, please click here to find the submission form.
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