When you were growing up, did your parents tell you that playing video games would amount to nothing? This story may just prove them wrong. If you have been considering video games for your next category on Amazon FBA, then keep reading because this may motivate you.
A young man in France has just auctioned off a huge video game collection on eBay. The 32 year old named Andre took the time to collect every game made for 22 different game consoles. This totaled approximately 7000 games for not only the popular Sega console, the various Nintendo systems up to the Gamecube, but even lesser known NEC systems.
This eBay seller actually collected the games just for the challenge of it. Each game in the collection was still factory sealed. Some of them are more than 25 years old.
By now, I am sure you are wondering if Andre’s auction had a winner and how much the winning bid was. The winner, who lives in Canada, offered one million Euros which equals about $1.23 million. Unfortunately, as of July 9th the winner had not paid for the auction. For those of you who dabble in international shipping, I am sure you are wondering just how much the shipping charges will be. It has been estimated that it will cost approximately $1000 to ship the games from France to Canada.
Andre is ready in case the buyer does not pay for the auction. He has plans to either re-list the games on Ebay or list them on a few Japanese auction sites. Will this be the end of Andre’s eBay selling days? Probably not. He says this is just a part of his collection and that he still has thousands of other games he could sell.
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