Squeezos or food strainers or juicers are interesting items that can bought cheaply at garage sales and have a high resale value. These all-metal or half metal/half plastic kitchen tools are used by canners and home cooks to strain, juice and puree fruits and vegetables. They are very useful for making jellies, jams, baby food, tomato sauce and apple sauce.
Vintage Squeezos sell especially well on Ebay since not all older parts are interchangeable with newer models. I have found that the all-metal older models are more desirable than the newer models with plastic parts, though there is definitely a market out there for both since newer models can cost as much as $200.00.
Even just single parts of Squeezos are valuable on Ebay to the home cook who is missing a part of her Squeezo which isn't made anymore. You will see people on Ebay selling only the feeder, the plunger or the different screens in seperate auctions. If you familiarize yourself with the different parts, you may find them in boxes of random kitchen tools. You can also sell your Squeezo with missing parts, as many people are looking for their missing pieces or will be willing to purchase a missing part elsewhere. Be sure to mention any rust to the metal parts or any cracks in plastic parts, particularly the scroll piece.
Some names of Squeezo or strainer makers to be familiar with are Garden Way, Berarducci, and Victorio/Vitantonio. You may find the aluminum parts with these names embossed on them, just the name Squeezo or possibly printed on their original boxes.
If you want to photograph your Squeezo assembled according to its directions to show that it is complete, you will probably realize a higher selling price. If you're not willing to do that or aren't sure if all of the pieces are there, it's fine to just photograph the parts laid out. Generally, the buyer are very knowledgeable about these items.
Some examples of recent sales on Ebay:
New Garden Ways All Metal Squeezo Strainer - Sold for $160.50
Berarducci Metal Squeezo Strainer - Sold for $71
The most I have ever paid for these at sales is only $20.00 and in some cases, I've only paid a few dollars. They are definitely great items to look for that sometimes are undervalued at garage sales.
Terapeak shows Squeezo Strainers with a 92.37% sell through rate!
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