Everyone has something that they can teach others. Decide on your subject matter by determining what you’re an expert in. Maybe you’re a great dancer, a skilled handyman, are good at home decorating, can make impressive desserts for parties, or know how to teach sign language . Almost anything can be turned into a how-to video.
You don’t have to create a professional DVD. Your video can be made by a film student or even a teenager with a video camera. You might even know someone who has a knack for filming and editing. Look around and you can find someone who can help you for little or no money.
After you’ve completed your DVD, it’s time to list it on eBay. It will need to be listed under information products in the Everything Else category. It’s best to list your DVD for a fixed price on Buy It Now for 30 days. You don’t need to list it as an auction. (There are benefits to 30 day listings. The page becomes “old” and gets indexed on Google. I sell a lot of items on the 28th and 29th day of a 30 day listing. Re=listing constantly every 7 days gets expensive and your item does not have time to be indexed on Google. My best selling products are listings over 2 years old where I just keep updating the quantity.)
The best thing about selling information products is that you create it once and can sell it an unlimited number of times. This is called passive income. No storage is required for info products and you can create an unlimited number of them. The majority of how-to DVDs sell for $15.99 to $39.99. Make sure you research thoroughly and price your DVD accordingly.
It’s a good idea to keep extra copies so you’re prepared for orders. That will allow you to ship your DVD quickly and save you time.
For example, this horse expert has several DVDs on horse care. Here is one listing:
And you can see from the seller's feedback that the DVDs are consistent sellers (keep in mind that only about 50% of buyers leave feedback, so this seller has probably sold twice as much as you see on the FB page):
So think about what you know that you can share with others - and make money doing it!
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