The online learning world has become over saturated with outdated recorded programs, 99 cent eBooks, hour long "sell-a-thon" webinars full of chit-chat, and hype that is useless to most people who are serious about really learning how to make money online. Almost everything has an affiliate program attached to it - so you never know if the content is going to be valuable, or if the person selling the information product is just trying to make a quick buck. Has that person even tried the product? Do they really believe it will help their audience? Maybe you receive newsletters that contain 90% affiliate links from people who seem endorse every new product or service the moment it is launched. I'm going to give you something completely different.
I have separated myself from the crowd and offer real education for people who are serious about learning how to make money online. My classes will always be live, will always have the latest information, and will always be taught by people who are currently doing the business - not somebody who did it 2 years ago or who is just reading a script. My team consists of 12 successful entrepreneurs, all of whom built their business from nothing and are mentors in their fields.
1. Real Actions. Real Results. We aren’t about hype, fluff, fads, or theory that doesn’t work in the current marketplace. We, like you, want clear actionable steps that give you real results- and that is exactly what we give you.
2. Build Up, Never Down. We are all about creating an online community that doesn’t just help you grow your business, by learning from the experts but one that also helps you learn and grow from others in a supportive environment.
3. Support. Support. Support. Yes. We are all about helping you and supporting you as you grow your online business.
So, what kind of classes can you expect? Here's a sneak peek of what is coming in the next few weeks:
Record Keeping and Basic Tax Info for your eCommerce Business
eBay for Beginners - USA
eBay for Beginners - Australia
eBay for Baby Boomers
eBay for Intermediates - USA
eBay for Intermediates - Australia
Etsy for Beginners (add another income stream - sell vintage or hand made items here!)
How to Hire Help for your At-Home eCommerce Business
How to Make Money Mystery Shopping (when you are on inventory lock-down but still want to make money!)
How to Make Money Writing for the Examiner (something you can do when sales are slow!)
How to Sell Books on eBay and Amazon
How to Sell Children's Clothing on eBay
How to Sell Pre-Owned Women's Clothing on eBay
Sign up to receive updates about class times, teachers, and more new classes here.
Things are going to start moving fast in the next few weeks as sellers prepare for holiday selling. Will you be ready?
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