Friday, April 26, 2013

One of my readers has gone the extra mile with his eBay business selling golf shirts. Chip let me know of his success after getting a head start with my ebook, The Golf Shirt Bible, which explains how to find and sell golf shirts on eBay. Golf shirts were the core of my eBay business from 2003- 2009 - I sold approximately 10,000 golf shirts on eBay all found at local thrift stores and most in used condition. (Hence the name of my eBay store, Atlanta Golf Shop.)

Chip, who is quite knowledgeable about the golf shirt category, has been industrious enough to create two very helpful videos explaining details on how to select and sell golf shirts on eBay. Golf Shirts 101 explains how to scrutinize the shirts for condition, really focusing on collar condition, buttons, plackets, fabric content, etc. Golf Shirts 102 goes into more detail about brands, his condition grading system, and his storage system. Check out Chip's videos here:

Now is the time to learn this niche as golf season is in full swing. (Pun intended.) A few comments from members of my Facebook Group after taking Chip's advice:

Lindsay said, "Have to share this because if it weren't for your videos, I would not have just scored! I ran into Goodwill 10 minutes before closing and found a Burberry golf shirt for $6.99. I got it. I looked it up on eBay completed listings and found the exact same shirt and it sold for $61!"

Anne said, "Listed 2 Scotty Camerons (2XL) and 2 hours later they sold. $92.50 each to the same guy!"

Thanks for helping to educate us, Chip. The key to making money on eBay is knowing what to look for - knowing what sells. Chip has made that a little bit easier with his videos. I hope this information helps you make some money with your golf shirt finds!

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