Ian Usher was a seemingly normal guy who was working as a rug store manager, and thought he was happily married. One day his wife left him after being together for more than 12 years. His life was in shambles, and he came up with this idea to auction his entire life: his job, possessions, his friends… the whole ball of wax. He chose eBay as the answer. He wanted to start his life anew. Below is a screenshot of the actual auction for his home while it was open. This was four years ago, and now his life is very different.
Ian set off to do things that he had never done before like skydiving and swimming with humpbacked whales. He took the time to raise thousand of dollars for bowel cancer research, the disease that claimed his father. A woman named Maureen Boksa (his current lady) was reading about Ian on the internet. She messaged him with a challenge that said he was invited to come to Yukon to ride on a husky powered sled. Maureen thought this could be one of the items he could add on to his bucket list. He did respond and went to Yukon, and completed the challenge. He decided to move on and complete more items on his list, and he didn’t see Moe (Maureen) for another 15 months.
During those 15 months away from Moe, Ian began to have strong feelings for her. He was ready to settle down and find his dream home. He hired a real estate agent and they found a place called “Dolphin Bay.” The island was a 20 minute boat ride away from Yukon, perfect for the solitude he was looking for. After three years, he purchased the property. This was the perfect setting for a man starting all over again. During this time Disney bought the film rights for Ian’s life for 220 thousand dollars.
It took Ian three months to clear the land on his private little island. The island was nicknamed Gilligan’s Island, after the television series. He began to build his home and plant crops. Moe visits him often.
Ian is very happy with the way his new life is shaping up. He living life the way he wants to live it. No one could ask for more than that. eBay can really change a person’s life, even unconventionally.
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