This story got my attention this weekend when the officials from Adelaide in southern Australia announced their disappointment that Cher was selling a key to their city the star had received. The article talked about the listings that Cher has on eBay! Yes, the very same eBay we use to sell our items is now being used by Cher!
Actually, she is using a co-signor to sell a few items on eBay. Currently, there are four items for sale:
the before-mentioned Key to the City of Adelaide Cher’s personal copy of Cher Forever Fit Book photo of Cher meeting Queen Elizabeth a pair of sandals she wore
The key appears to be a successful niche item with a current bid of $95,900. Below is a screenshot of the auction as it appears on eBay:
Why is Cher selling her items? Is this her new income stream? Well, not exactly.
The co-signor has posted a statement for her that says:
“Cher receives many awards and gifts from all over the world. And she is always humbled and touched by these gracious gestures. At certain times she goes through her huge collection and decides to share many of these special treasures with her fans, with all the proceeds going to Cher’s Charitable Foundation. Please know that the proceeds for [these auctions] are helping people all over the world through Cher’s charitable and humanitarian endeavors.
I wonder if she is willing to submit an eBay Seller Success Story. If you are, please email it to me at for consideration.
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