Don't be scared. This isn't as complicated as it looks. The matrix above just shows how you can promote your eBay store, listings, affiliate programs, and blog if you have one. Notice the directional arrows that show how to most effectively use different sites to drive traffic to eBay and your affiliate programs. Here is a summary.
1. Use social networking sites to send traffic to your listings, eBay store, eBay listings, affiliate program, and your blog.
2. Use your blog to send traffic to your affiliate links, eBay store, and eBay listings.
3. Use your eBay Me page for promoting affiliate programs.
4. Use article sites to send traffic where it is allowed. For example, eZine only allows a link to a website or blog, not to eBay, affiliate programs, or social networking sites. The Examiner will let you link to anything. You can post comments on other blogs in your niche and use your eBay store URL or eBay About Me page URL as your link. (Read more about eZine.)
5. The only thing you can link to from your eBay listings is your eBay About me page. But that is ok, because eBay is one of the final destinations of traffic.
6. Your ultimate goal is to get traffic to your eBay listings and affiliate programs because that is where you will make money!
7. If you click on the image of the matrix above, you will see a larger version that you can print and keep by your computer as you learn how to get traffic to your eBay store and listings.
Learn more about how to get traffic to your eBay store and listings with The Complete eBay Business System.
Happy Selling!
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