Original listing:
Fatal errors:
NEW NWT keywords not in title
(anyone searching for NEW True Religion jeans won't find this listing)
True is spelled "Trrue" - misspelled words don't come up in searches
(when the word is spelled correctly)
Poor photo - item is sideways
No return policy
Listing does not give fabric content, measurements
Shipping is too high
No international shipping
I paid $51.00 + $9.99 for shipping. Total investment = $60.99
Here is my listing:
Added several more photos
Used keyword NEW NWT in title, spelled brand name correctly
Gave fabric content and measurements in description
Added 30 day return policy
Added international shipping
Charged $5.50 for domestic shipping
(these will fit in a Flat Rate Envelope - click here for more info on using Flat Rate envelopes)
I ran these on auction first and they didn't sell. Then I put them in my store inventory with Best Offer. I had several crummy offers. Accepted an offer for $150. I could have held out for more, but my profit on this item is $81, so I am happy with that. Waiting is part of the game, but don't get greedy.
My cost = $60.99
Sale price = $150
My profit = $81.32
Time invested = 30 minutes
You can see that in this case, I realized an income of $162.64 an hour doing this. You can learn to do this, too!
Find sloppy listings and resell the items for way more than you paid for them!
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