Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I received this email from Cotie in the freezing Northeast. Due to the awful weather, he (like many of you) can't get out and make the rounds to buy eBay inventory. His question:

"I'm a 62 year old male (not a work at home mom) but I took early retirement after my computer programming career ended, due to outsourcing. After my career ended in 2001, I started selling books on eBay then eventually Amazon.

My question: Old man winter is here in the Northeast at full force and it's time to start making money with my brain until summer comes back. I love researching things to look for at garage sales and thrift stores and was thinking of writing a bunch of articles on ehow. But, I wonder. Would it be more lucrative to start a blog on that subject (I see it as sort of like the now defunct Auction Rebel blog.)

If so, how do you receive your money from a blog. On eHow they pay you thru PayPal, but how is the money distributed from a blog? Would I make just as much just writing those articles on ehow? or would I make more doing it via a blog?"

Ok, now for my answer. Keep in mind that different people will answer this in different ways, but here are my thoughts.

1) Continue to write articles on eHow. You will build your article bank over time and it will start to pay better as time goes by. Before you jump into a blog you need some practice with online writing and start to establish an internet presence.

2) The traffic is already on eHow, you don't have to drive it there as you would with a blog. I have close to 300 articles here, and I make about over $500 a month. I only add about 10 articles a month and have been writing for the site for just over 2 1/2 years. The trick is learning to write articles that drive high paying ads and submitting content on a continual basis to build your article bank. Click here for an outstanding guide on how to really start making money on eHow - this eHow guide is my Bible.

3) You can learn about blogging while you continue to add your articles to eHow. I recommend The Niche Blogger. This is a 1 month course that only costs $19.95. The teacher (who makes money with many niche blogs) explains the entire process step by step and you move thru the course at your own pace. I wish I had found this course sooner. I have 2 more blogs that I expect to launch in the next few weeks. My goal is to eventually have several streams of income set up that I won't have to rely so heavily on eBay (although I will never quit completely) - but working with a physical product is labor intensive.

4) When you have a blog, you are paid by the affiliates and advertisers whose products you promote. There are many different companies out there. For example, I get checks from Google AdSense, Clickbank, Commission Junction, and Logical Media. It is like having a bunch of part time jobs - you eventually have checks coming in all the time and it is wonderful!

I hope this helps. You may also want to get active in the eHow Forums. There are many helpful writers there who also blog. Also check out sites like Bukisa, HubPages, Associated Content, and Suite 101 who pay you to write.

Good luck!

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